Sunday, July 29, 2007

Like how it should be

What do you call a Maori in a suit?
The Defendant

I spent the whole afternoon in Borders reading the article on Maori and the criminal justice in NZ, and I thought it was really nicely written - about the stereotype of a criminal offender in NZ.

The structural framework of Maori society some what bears some similarities to traditional chinese's. Familial obligations, individuality is secondary to the collective dynamic etc. All perpetuate ideal principles. And I guess most religions do so too. IDEAL - that is the thing. Ideal means a conception of something in its perfection, which means impossible.

I guess its our nature to fight, compete, argue, question. Since the earliest civilizations, there was 'survival of the fittest', then the Hyksos overran Egypt, then Chinese civilization emerged, fighting here and there, conquering there and here, between themselves, with the Mongols, then the Roman Republic, then Muslim expansion, then expansion of Christian control then imperialism and I don't know what happened till now we're still fighting. So fighting is NORMAL, arguing is NORMAL, everything bad that happens is NORMAL and everything good that happens means that you're lucky. And living in harmony is just an ideal. But aiming for an ideal goal is ideal. At least you're moving towards the right direction. At least the bad stuff ain't increasing exponentially.

Its always weird that the world in general is just fighting over everything and anything which they can fight for. Groups fighting and bashing each other. But if you take a person out from each group and put them together without any politics or whatever, if they just by coincidence, meet each other on the streets and sit down for a cup of coffee, I don't think they will fight. Maybe they will be good friends. Maybe they will gasp in amazement that they share similar principles and belief. Maybe the only difference they have is their background. Maybe both believe in 'loyalty and society above self'. Mr A and B would be thus loyal to society A and B respectively. What a pity, they may be best of friends if they were from the same society. Maybe this is what they called 'fate'.

Another desultory post. Never mind, I'll wake up early tomorrow morning, forget about the quarrel I had with my mom today, forget about my questions, start my life again, like how it should be - back to reality. And I will stop indulging myself in privacy till the next post.

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