Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Economics is useful

Its been say, ~4months since I've switched my major from Accounting to Economics.
And within these 4months, I've been bombarded with similar questions: WHY did I do that?

I know, I know, I know the prospects of Accounting - definitely way better than Economics. I know and I've struggled a lot between these 2 options. If not for the fact that I really hated Accounting, I might just stay with it. BUT, I've never hated a subject so much before, so I try to stand by my decision.

Unfortunately, I still waiver quite a bit when I try to convince others the logic behind the switch. (Well logically, I don't really need to do so but thats human or rather, Huiling's nature) So last night, Dad called. Already annoyed being woken up in the midst of my sleep, I got further agitated when he started asking me why didn't I do Finance instead.

Dad: 'Ling ah, what are you doing?'
Me: 'Sleeping'
Dad (obviously ignoring my previous remark and continued with the conversation): 'Eh, why you never do Finance. Sansu said you should do Finance you know! Economics so broad-based, Finance better.
Me: 'Aiyah, too late.'
Dad: 'Why too late. Do Finance la.' (And he went on about how good is Finance and how useless if Economics)
Me (obviously frustrated because this is not the first time explaining and probably also worried about my future): 'Aiyah, cannot la.'
Dad: 'Why cannot?!'
Me: 'Don't know. Too late. Difficult. Lazy. Don't care already.'
Dad: 'Why are you so mang zhang (agitated)'
Me: 'Sleeping la sleeping. Talk to you tomorrow ok'

I met a friend in uni today, after the conventional greetings, he said, 'Heard you've dropped Accounting! Doing Economics now?'
Me: 'Yeah'
Him: 'Now you HAVE to be a lawyer!' (obviously assuming that I can never find a job which is Econs-related)

*Economics is useful. Economics has good prospects. Huiling can find a job with an Economics major. Economics is interesting. ECONS ECONS ECONS RULES!!!! ECONS ECONS ECONS ROCKS!!!

Ok, stop being childish.
According to my pseudo-temporary best buddy (you should know who you are, HAHA) my recent posts lack of in-depth meaning. So I thought of invoking some profound and meaningful posts which might just end up being a classic prose or poem, but due to my stupid endless impending deadlines - whether set by the Uni or myself, I shall do that later. (Be prepared to laugh!) Pseudo-temporary best buddy (acronymed PTBB AHHAHA) you better get ready to be defeated by me for the following reasons:
  1. I'm going to win the bet - and you are going to get wasted
  2. I am really going to win the bet
  3. No doubt I'll win the bet
  4. You'll lose the bet
  5. The only constant is that I'm going to win and you are going to lose
I want to and will
  1. Go for a cruise with 24/7 buffet
  2. Go to Genting's theme park
  3. Go ice-skating
  4. Go kayaking
  5. Go for the nature walk
  6. Go for a holiday
  7. Go and work
  8. Go and eat
  9. Go and play
  10. Go and sleep
  11. Go and learn a musical instrument
  12. Go and run
  13. Go and read
  14. Convince everyone that Econs rocks!

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