Saturday, March 21, 2009


Interviewer: 'So what would be your greatest challenge joining us?'
Me: 'My mom. No, I'm serious!'

Interviewer: 'So do you have any questions to ask us?'
Me: 'Am I in?'

Interviewer: 'How are you going to communicate with your colleagues in a new country?'
Me: 'I talk'

I've a track record of unimpressive replies during interviews.

Interviewer: 'What do you know about PR?'
Me: 'Uh.. advertising?'

But I thought they looked tired and bored after a full day of interviews so I decided to tweak my answers a lil, just to do them a favour of making it more entertaining. Ok, fine, I admit, I did not prepare for this interview. And I, of course, have valid reasons (not excuses, mind you).

I have always thank APPLE for its greatest gift to me - a MacBookPro which have never died on me during my past 3 years in NZ. Even if it decides that it can no longer take my nonsense, it is still considerate and sensible to malfunction only when I'm in Singapore (i.e. neglecting it). I always imagined the nightmarish consequences of it breaking down during my school term - all my precioous notes would be gone, my primary form of communication with the world would disappear, and I would obviously be very upset.

Having already a very bad week, I woke up to a dead charger. The insulator of the wire has been burnt and it could no longer charge my laptop. I panicked, cursed, freaked out by the thought of not having my laptop the next few days, and started making phonecalls seeking help. After a whole round of frustrating calls, I managed to find out where can I get it replaced (for free - with a huge sigh of relief because I got the Apple-care Plan). Still peeved by the fact that I can't get the work I expected myself to complete in the morning done, I trudged towards the Uni bus-stop lugging the heavy laptop. Waited for 40min for the bus (I suspect it travels at 20km/hr) and did not alight at the right bus-stop. Walked back to the store and loaned a charger while they get mine replaced. Since I've paid a dollar sixty to get there, might as well pick up some groceries since the bus-stop ain't that far from my apartment.

Bad.idea. Not as if my laptop wasn't heavy enough, I went for a grocery-shopping-spree and got more than what I could finish in a week. Fast-forward - the bus conductor confirmed that he was stopping at the University (he meant AUT, I meant UOA). Sensing something amiss after passing AUT and going up Queens St, I double checked with him and to my horror, he said he already passed the University. I wanted to knock his head with my chicken wings. ARGHHHHHH......

I got down at K-Road with my groceries and laptop, cursing like no other and started my treacherous, long journey home. Occasionally, I sit along the streets, take out my laptop and watch a couple of videos and pick some tomatoes out of my grocery bags and munch on it. (Ok, I'm joking, I'm not that retarded, its just to emphasize that the journey home was long).

Yes, I reached home, dead tired with the whole morning gone. How often do I actually wake up at 8am in a weekend morning determined to get some work done?!? Almost never! ARGH! Straight after I got dressed for the interview and there goes my precious Saturday. I got so much pent-up emotions this week, I wanna roar!

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