Monday, July 14, 2008

if only

i know this is redundant. but still,
if only im stronger
if only i don't need to speak
if only someone would understand
if only i worked harder
if only i wasn't distracted
if only someone would know
if only you and you and you and i would stop making life difficult
if only i know what would happen
if only i know what should be
if only i know what to do
if only i know who am i
if only i know who are you
if only i knew, i need not be typing this

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All these "if onlys" are just disguises. One hsould nt allow this to affect in our lives. There is alwaysa "if only" that could delay one's decision in whatever we wish to do or to decide. O always use your heat to followe it. If not, you may not even dare to get maamried becasue you may feel "if only" I got to know the other guy earlier. It is a never ending story that may fill with potential sorrow endings. Folllw your heart and live to the end of it if possible.