Wednesday, June 13, 2007

why independence sucks
cause I don't want to cook
I don't want to wash the dishes
I don't want to clear the dustbin
I don't want to vacuum the floor
I don't want to clean the toilet
I don't want to pay the bills
I don't want to think when I spend
I don't want to do the laundry
I don't want to do grocery shopping
I don't want to be carrying so much stuff up the stupid slope
I don't want to worry that the house is messy
I don't want to worry about anything

I want to just sit and slack
Before dinner, my mom would call 'Ling, come down for dinner!'
Then I will just go down and on the TV and wait.
Then she would scream 'Ling! set the table!'
Then I will set.
Then she would nag that I'm not helping
Then I will go the kitchen and take the food out
Then she would scold
Then I will call the others to come down for dinner.
Then after dinner, I will just sit and watch TV hoping she won't ask me to do anything
Then she would say 'eh, wash your own dishes'
sometimes I will just act damn tired and say cannot, want to die already.
Then most of the time I get away with it.
I don't need to think or worry. She say, I do. She don't say, I don't do.
Here, no one says, I still need to do.
Or when there is the maid, even better.
I don't need to do anything.

Can you imagine a life without doing housework?!
I led a life of a princess last time.
Too tired, father there to fetch.
Too lazy, maid there to clean.
Don't feel like studying, parents there to nag.
Not enough money, parents there to ask.
Last minute forgot to buy something, parents there to buy.
Sick, parents know what to do.
Don't know what to decide, parents decide.
Lights spoil, father install.
Feel like eating out, ask friends to go out and eat. How expensive can it get. 2bucks?!
Bed sheets, maid there to change.
Don't need to iron, don't need to fold, don't need to clean toilet, don't need to look at the bank account, don't need to pay anything, don't need to care about anything except play and study.

Being a princess in the house really rocks.
Being a maid in the house really sucks.

Maybe I should say 'Why parents rock'

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