Sunday, August 12, 2007

NDP, Rangitoto

It was National Day last Thursday and we held a small lil celebration over at my place. I recently met a group of NUS exchange student here when we were traveling in Coromendal. We were in this ulu cafe in this ulu town when I heard someone speaking in this Malaysian/Singaporean accent. My gut feeling told me that they were NUS exchange students because they just look like typical Singapore Uni students - and they were.

We exchanged contacts and met up on National Day at my place to watch NDP online. They brought heaps of pizzas, pies, ice-cream and wine. The main purpose was to watch NDP but at last we only caught a few minutes of it because there is a limitation for my internet connection and we were too engrossed in Simpsons.

We watched the starting though, the parades and stuff. Half the time the guys were being real critical at the videos depicting army life. After the parade we switched to Simpsons the Movie (damn funny and stupid. Especially Homer. As usual.).

Some of them left, the rest stayed over because it was too late.

My mom and I


Finally, I went to Rangitoto. Every morning, afternoon, evening I see it (my apartment faces this volcano) but never been there till yesterday. Woke up real early and went to the ferry terminal to take the first ferry across.

And the trek there reaffirmed my view that NZ's standards of trekking cannot be trusted! OR maybe they are just too fit. I thought it was going to be an easy way up and down from the summit. Initially it was, we just casually climbed up, still had the energy to talk along the way up. We reached the summit at around 12 noon and it didn't feel all that tiring. In fact, its a real nice trek because it is like trekking in an air-conditioned forest. (Its winter here)

View from summit

After lunch we took the the coastal trek down which don't really feel like one since the views we supposedly should have seen were blocked by trees. And damn, the treks were totally not very nice at all. I reckon Rangitoto is a volcano that is why the treks are actually rocks. All freaking rocks which are really so damn difficult and painful and uneven to walk on. I probably spent 99% of my time looking down to see where am I walking with occasionally slips. The most regretful thing was that I forgot to cut my toe nails and the trek back which was much longer was painful since it was down slope. But it was good fun since this is the first trek I did which is kinda different.

Took the last ferry back to Auckland and I brought them to BBQ King, the place I frequent most and apparently they loved it because I guess it tasted something close to home.

After dinner, Ivan and Danny left and the rest of us mucked around Starbucks till midnight when it closed. There was no where else to go except home and thats when we headed off in different directions. It was quite a fulfilling day because I finally got to trek after #$%^&*() weeks and I found someone who is keen in going rock-climbing and another who is a great fan of TVB. But not that fulfilling when I realize... my online test is due soon, very soon. And assignments too. And readings as well. And before I know it, SPRING HOLS! GOODBYE WINTER!

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