Saturday, September 13, 2008

High School

Randomly, I feel a nostalgia for my secondary/JC days.
Uh, it happens to us every now and then, no?
It must have been this song!
I remember being an ardent fan of rock music like Simple Plan, Good Charlotte and the likes.
My choice of music has changed ever since, but still, haha hearing it every once in awhile feels really good!
I don't know where I got this song from but when it started playing on my iTUnes during shuffle mode, I felt oddly happy.

haha I miss going for concerts. I remembered we jumped and shouted and screamed and cursed till we were all sweaty and faint. -___-'' The atmosphere was awesome and I was convinced half way through that the Suntec Conventional hall was going to collapse and wanted to evacuate - Resonance effect when everyone jumps at the point where SP sang 'JUMP!'

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