Thursday, October 23, 2008

THE meme

Being in an ultimate irritable mood today or rather everyday till the exams are over... I shall do as told by QQ (Shiqi, my new nick name for you, you know, like QQ rice!) - do the MEME test.
Before that, I wonder why is it called the MEME test - is it because its all about me, therefore sounding something like: ME! ME! Or maybe its just some cutesy name to attract more people into doing it. Or maybe its... hmm... ok... I know, stop asking, and just do it.

THE MEME (*gives the -___-" face) TEST

1. My ex is still:

Ex as in ex-boyfriend? Why...why is this test so cruel... to bring up my sad sad past which I've tried so hard in burying deep down my heart... oh my broken heart!!!

I don't have la. Hahaha!

2. I am listening to:

The Phantom of Opera by Sarah Brightman & Michael Crawford.

3. Maybe I should:

Stop eating so much.

4. I love:

Food, music, economics, law, outdoors, laughing at people, backpacking, my friends and family, art, pranks.

5. My best friend(s):

Allow me to abuse them.

6. I don’t understand:

A lot of things. You sure you want me to list it down? Really? Are you sure? Serious? Yeah, I knew it, I'll spare you that and summarize it to what Jo claims: the 5Ws and 1H on basically any or everything.

Where, When, What, Who, Why, How???

7. I lost:

My sanity.

8. People say:

Life sucks.

9. The meaning of my screen name is:

Experiencing and loving this sucky life.

10. Love is:

When you see that no matter how sucky this life can be, its still worth living.

11. Somewhere, someone is:

Conspiring to end the human race. And someone else is trying to save us.

12. I will always:

Wonder why, think of what to cook, think about my friends, think about what am I going to do in future, think about how am I going to make it in future, think about how can I get to backpack, think about every lil thing you can ever imagine.

13. Forever seems:

Like now.

14. I never ever want to:

Feel guilty.

15. My cell phone :

Samsung something. Ask the Joannas haha we all have the same phones!

16. When I wake up in the morning:

I switch off my alarm and go back to sleep.

17. I get annoyed when:

I am annoyed. I get exponentially annoyed (if that makes any sense) when I am a lil annoyed which makes me angry and frustrated and the monster in me awakes.

18. Parties are:

Fun fun fun!

19. My pet(s) is(are):

Dalmatian (which my parents gave away), fighting fish (which I abandoned them after they jumped out of my container), a very big spider (which I quickly gave it back when it was dying), hamsters (which died after being transferred to different homes too many times), terapin (which my mom threw away accidentally with the vegetables in the sink)

Yes, I'm not the best pet owner you know. But I still love dogs, so much that I've decided that I will not own them in the near future to spare them from my tempting care.

20. Kisses are the best when:

They are shared with a human I guess.

21. Today I:

Was late for all my lectures, which are the last lectures of this semester. HOOYAH!!!


22. Tomorrow I:

Will dress like a guy. Cheap thrill. No, I don't have a habit of cross-dressing, I just think that baggy shirts and jeans are very comfortable which are suited for tomorrow which can be foreseen as a highly irritable day since I've to study.

23. I really want:

My friends and family to be with me here.

24. I want to ask:

Why am I answering all these questions?!?!!? This is one of the oddest thing I've done this week. Haha.

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