Thursday, May 24, 2007

fright night?

today is the day i'm gonna start my studying routine all over again...
yeah...that's fast. Well actually not that fast considering the exams are really really near.

I'd a 1 day break already and I reckon its really time for me to catch up on my commerce instead of law papers. Anyways the past 2 days after the test were the best cause.. I stuffed myself like mad.

Last night for dinner I cooked pasta with hollandaise sauce and poached eggs.. I intended to cook just the right amount but I kept convincing myself it wasn't enough so I poured more and more and MORE pasta into the pot and I added more and more and MORE ingredients to it and at last I ended with ONE BIG POT and I ate it all. (Thinking about the people in S. Africa)

Feeling a bit guilty I decided that maybe I should go down and run a bit in the gym or something but I ended up sleeping in the steam bath room. When I woke up the whole room was freaking hot and filled with so much steam I felt like I was half-cooked already.

Then I ate a bit of supper. And I told myself... its ok, its a reward. Maybe I'll do something about it the next day. But hell no!!

Today - breakfast I decided that I'm gonna give lunch a miss so I ate 1 salmon sandwich, 1 ham sandwich, 1 cup of horlicks. Went dressmart after lectures and then.. we ate Macs. 1 big Mac and 1/2 packet of large fries. After walking awhile we went back to Macs and I ate another cheeseburger and 1/2 packet of large fries. After reaching home we had dinner. We had steak + mashpotato + caesar salad. And now I feel like toasting another piece of bread but NO!!! Huiling NO!! you are crazy!!

I'm training for the meat-eating competition. No! Don't fight with me! I'll win! hahaha I'll beat your 27-bao record!! I'll eat 30 sausages!!
I bought $90 worth of groceries this week...3xs of what I usually do. Everytime I open the fridge I just wanna grab something to eat.. But NO!! HUILING NO!!!

Just now, as usual we went to the commons till 12am. Tonight is especially eerie. I know and always tell myself that I should never take the short cut. But then I know I would at 12am because by that time I just wanna reach home fast and rest. Anyways we took that eerie way. I've walked there several times - whether alone or with friends but today was just scary. Usually the scary part is the stretch at the end which is just a path and its isolated. Suddenly I heard some freaking weird and eerie sound. I decided to pretend I didn't hear it else I'll be freaking myself out and freaking Carol out so I just kept quiet.

Then suddenly someone pounced at the back of me and I swore my heart skipped a beat. And that person is Carol = . = AGAIN. This is the don't-know-how-many-times she has been scaring me like that. She was like.. what is that?! And she was so freaked out she didn't even know she was pulling my hair and freaking me out as well. Maybe tonight was exceptionally cold thats why it was exceptionally scary? But the feeling was just so not-right that we started running like MAD. Half way through running that sound again.. this time nearer and we started screaming and running even faster towards the exist. My god.. I felt that I was really running for my dear life and half expecting someone or some ghost would grab me from the back and maybe I'll just faint or bite my tongue or something.

Oh no.. its really weird tonight.. even now I'm feeling weird. I think I better sleep now...its so quiet.. Oh no... what am I gonna do next sem when Carol leaves?!!?!

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